Available in 120 Capsules.

Adeva Vitamin C

Vitamin C is involved in cholesterol metabolism, cell respiration, the assimilation of iron, the formation of bones and teeth, blood cells, ligaments, body tissues, and the maintenance of vision. In recent years, researchers have also confirmed that vitamin C is a powerful detoxifier, capable of eliminating lead and other poisons from the body. Combined with garlic, milk thistle, and liver extract, vitamin C is a well-known tonic for the liver.

Beneficial for:

  • Preventing Colds

  • Poor Immunity

  • Vitamin C Deficiency


  • L-Ascorbic acid BP – 1800 mg

  • Red wine proanthocyanidins 30% – 100 mg

Dosage: Take 1 level spoon (5ml) daily, dissolved in water at room temperature.

Side effects: None

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Available on Self Medication – Nappi 714888-001


Vitamin B12


Wound Cleanser